10 Tips for Managing Your Airbnb Keys (Part 1)
Managing Your Airbnb Keys - Tips 1 to 5Airbnb has been an increasingly popular way to rent out spare rooms and homes to guests over the recent few years. When renting your home on Airbnb there are numerous considerations and factors to plan for. To help you with your Airbnb planning, this article aims to provide some ideas to better manage your Airbnb keys. We have split the contents of this article over two posts, each covering 5 tips each- stay tuned for the next part.Tip #1: Spare Keys, Spare Garage Remotes, Spare Key Fobs and Swipe Passes.As per the old adage, three things are inevitable: taxes, old age and losing keys. I'm sure everyone would lose a key (or a set of keys) at least once in their lifetime. Your…